A lot of people were complaining about the Nintendo Music app and how Nintendo didn't just put their shit on Spotify, but I'm kinda fine with it honestly. It's a nice little bonus for my (already cheap) Switch Online subscription, so I don't need to pay for Spotify to listen to the music. and I like all the unique features like extending songs, spoiler mode, and stuff like that. My only real issue is that there aren't many songs on there yet, but I'm sure they'll get to it eventually. I'm just sick of people saying to just "put the songs on Spotify" when giving them their own dedicated app allows Nintendo to do more of their own thing with it. (Plus when you want to listen to Nintendo music, you usually don't want it mixed in with other random songs I feel like) and I doubt things like the Wii Channels and Brain Age (and other niche titles) would make it on if they used Spotify anyways.