I've found myself struggling with creative works recently, and I have no clue why to be honest. I just haven't really gotten any of those "kicks" that I normally do with this stuff, and it feels really weird. My NSMB hack has, once again, gone into a limbo-standstill that won't be worked on for who knows how long. I don't really have any particular game that screams for my attention, and my art world has yet to pull me back in. I'm just kinda doing nothing- just sitting around watching YouTube videos and eating. It just feels so weird after having what was almost a shedule of sorts before: fixate on a specific thing for a while, work on a creative project around it for fun, and move on until I become interested in it again. Right now I can't really say there's anything in particular that I wanna do. I'm sure something will pop up, it just feels odd since it's the first time in quite a while where I've felt this way (the last time I can recall was during Covid).

But that's enough pseudo-emotional rambling for now, I know my 2 viewers don't come here to read this kinda stuff. I just needed to get this off my chest. Who knows, maybe it'll help me figure out something to do.